

Born in Mayville and raised in the FM area, Nichole loves to spend her free time, reading, playing piano, watching movies, and spending time with her family of four children and two cats.

Nichole utilizes chiropractic services in many aspects of her life. Through chiropractic services, she has been able to manage day to day life.


Cody Weathermon
Occupational Therapy Assistant

Cody grew up in small town near his family’s farm in South Dakota with a population of 48 people in western South Dakota. He loved watching 1980s action films starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone and was intrigued by these actors’ muscles.  At the time there were no gyms available to join but that did not stop him from pursing his passion to learn about fitness.

At the age of 12 Cody found an old rusty barbell and a pair of dumbbells in his parent’s storage and began to experiment with weight training.  At the time the only resource Cody had to learn from were re-runs of a show called “Body Shaping” with Boyer Coe.  It was on air at 3:30am on ESPN.  Each day Cody would begin his early morning workout routine in his parent’s living room.  This continued until his parents said that he needed to relocate his weight lifting routine somewhere besides their living room at 3:30 in morning. Soon Cody found his way into sports.  In the 8th grade his football coach decided to have him start on the high school team.  During preseason he attended a football camp where he was introduced to the high schools weight lifting room.  He found himself continuing to play sports just to have access to the schools weight room.  Like many athletes Cody experienced injuries while playing sports which lead to his interest in understanding how the body heals and repairs after injuries.  He decided at that time to become a personal trainer.

After graduating he moved to Denver Colorado to continue his education at The National Personal Training Institute in Lakewood Colorado.  After graduation he became a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine with a Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification and through The National Strength and Conditioning Association.  During his time as a personal trainer Cody worked with a wide range of clientele ranging from weight loss to sport specific training, but he always enjoyed working with clients that he could utilize his corrective exercise knowledge to help improve their overall quality of life.  After 10 years of doing one on one personal training it was at that time, Cody decided to go back to school to become an Occupational Therapy Assistant.  During his first round of clinical field work he began to perform therapy on a broader range of patients and started to gain hands on experience working in both acute and rehab settings with a wide array of aliments.

Cody moved to Fargo in 2021 to be closer to his family in South Dakota. He enjoys spending time with his two bulldogs Sadie and Ottis and when not spending time with his family or beloved bulldogs, He enjoys working out at various gyms around Fargo or can be found on a bike trail when our weather permits.